PSOA25’ Post-Professional
RISD23’ BArch + BFA

Atomic Apartment in Vacant Office, 2022

Atomic Apartment in Vacant Office

Year: Spring 2022
Instructor: Laura Briggs
Team:Yuanyuan Cao, Xiaoqi Shen, Rilia Li
Role: Concept development, rendering, diagrams
Site: Shinjuku, Japan
Reconstructing the living and working rhythm

We are trying to solve a two-fold problem with our project.  In today’s world, living alone has been found to increase feelings of social isolation, while living in one place for a significant amount of time is a rarity. To address both of these points, we wanted to create affordable housing that facilitates interpersonal interaction for a mobile population. By studying the two extremes of crowded and vacant spaces in cities, the project utilizes geographic and population density-based analysis software and looks for vacant spaces in urban gaps, such as office buildings, schools, etc. In addition, the project took into account the needs of the solitary population for proximity to public transportation, basic services, and city centers.

